Thursday, July 13, 2006

Any updates? Here are some!

Does any one know anything about the project which Clio, Paz & Cristiana organized in Germany? If the answer is yes please share it with us in the blog!
the blog is collecting dust & I'm really sad about that, so I'm trying to break this silence with a friendly post which don't look like copy & pasting into a massage board!!

About a month ago I had a one week trip to Istanbul where I met our good friend Adnan which was a real pleasure & we talked about future collaborations & projects one of them is called exocity in early sepia 2006, which you can check it here.

You may all heard about my Deeper depression project its was on in Tehran in four different venues from June 23 to July 5, 2006. and yes It was so crazy! 247 participants, 4 openings, 2 weeks! & Cedric also gave us the pleasure of a contribution in Tehran university's art gallery. The exhibition had some other events including a press conference & some artist talks.
It was a real low budget exhibition, parkingallery spent 1200$ for all of the costs & fees from printing to transportation & etc. & both 2 sponsors also spend a little money; 300$ on printing the international participants' artworks & 200$ a small poem/flash fiction book.
I'll update the website of the exhibition very soon then I'll announce it here.

That's all for now


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